Wednesday 11:15 AM · 45 min · 204 F (Fl, 4, Bld 2)

Shopify Engineering "Meet the team" Session

Interested in Shopify's Rails-related projects this past year? Join our Meet the Team session! We’ll cover recently launched Rails projects: * Trilogy: Migrating our monolith to theTrilogy database client. * Composite Primary Keys: Adding composite primary keys support into Rails. * WebAuthn: Adding WebAuthn support to Rubygems for a better authentication experience for gem maintainers. * Packwerk 3: Improving how we use Packwerk to modularize our monolith. And a spotlight on ongoing work, such as: * Maintenance Tasks: an engine that delivers first-class support for data migrations in Rails applications. * Automated Rails Upgrades: our new tool that automatically keeps all applications in the latest version of Rails! Stop by to get and offer feedback, ask a question, or to pair program!

Session format
Tech Skills

Concurrent sessions

Wednesday 11:15 AM 45 min General Session (Fl 3, Keynote room, Bl 2)

Hacking Your Emotional API

  • John Sawers
  • Talk
  • Introductory and Overview
  • People Skills

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