Tuesday 11:15 AM · 45 min · General Session (Fl 3, Keynote room, Bl 2)

Building a more effective, bidirectional mentor-mentee relationship

Mentorship is such a key part of our industry that most of us will act as both mentor and mentee many times over the course of our careers. However, unlike our other important skills that get honed through processes like code review or retrospectives, there are often few mechanisms to help us grow as mentors and mentees. We’ll cover common problems that occur as both a mentee and mentor and cover strategies, skills and concepts for how to deal with them that originate not only from our own experiences but from research in the fields of education, psychology and business. We’ll cover concepts that won’t only build your skills but improve the value you get from being a mentor or mentee and show you how to make an evidence-backed business case for expanding mentorship at your place of work.

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Presentation Slides (URL)

Concurrent sessions

Tuesday 11:15 AM 45 min 204 F (Fl, 4, Bld 2)

SQL Survival Guide for ORM Users

  • Kevin Whinnery
  • Talk
  • Introductory and Overview
  • Tech Skills
  • Sponsor

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