Monday 10:30 AM · 45 min · 204 G (Fl, 4, Bld 2)

ActiveRecord::Encryption; Stop Hackers from Reading your Data

Have you ever wondered how to encrypt data in your Rails application but weren’t sure where to get started? We’ll briefly talk about why you would want to encrypt data, and then discuss how you can get started with encrypting columns in your Rails application including pitfalls and successes we encountered while implementing ActiveRecord::Encryption at GitHub. Attendees will be confident in making a decision to implement ActiveRecord::Encryption in their application.

Session format
Tech Skills

Concurrent sessions

Monday 10:30 AM 45 min General Session (Fl 3, Keynote room, Bl 2)

Mentorship in Three Acts

  • Adam Cuppy
  • Talk
  • Introductory and Overview
  • People Skills
  • Community
Monday 10:30 AM 45 min 204 CD (Fl, 4, Bld 2)

The End of Legacy Code

  • Daniel Huss
  • Talk
  • Intermediate
  • People Skills
Monday 10:30 AM 2h 204 J (Fl, 4, Bld 2)

Have Toolbox, Will Share

  • Jeremy Friesen
  • Workshop
  • Introductory and Overview
  • Tech Skills
  • Career
Monday 11:00 AM 15 min General Session (Fl 3, Keynote room, Bl 2)

Break (15 mins)

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